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Boya Ölçüm Cihazı
Boya Ölçüm Cihazı



 Product DescriptionCoating Thickness Gauge
Model: CM8801F,CM8801N,CM8801FN.

Includes F type (CM-8801F), NF type (CM-8801N) and F/NF 2 in 1 type (CM-8801FN)
* Has CE marking, conforms with the essential health and safety equirements set out by the European Directives
* The F type probe for measuring the thickness of non-magneticcoating on Ferromagnetic base (e.g. iron, nickel and more), likeplating layer, lacquer layer, porcelain enamel layer, phosphide layer,copper/aluminum and some ally tiles papers and others.
* The NF type probe for measuring the thickness of anynon-magnetic coating on Non-Ferromagnetic metal base (aluminum, brass,stainless steel, etc.), like anodizing, varnish, paint, enamel, plasticcoating, power layers, and others.
* Microcomputer based, auto-detection, no damage to the coating surface.
* Metric/imperial system selectable, Auto power off.
* 10 points value memory.
* Flip LCD display
* Suitable for the laboratory, Powder Coating Companies,Manufacturing Companies, Paint Suppliers, Manufacturing Companies,Steel and Aluminum Refinishing, Automobile Dealers, Auto Auctions, BodyShops, Auto Detailers and any company needing a highly accuratemeasurement of the dry coating thickness and can be used even in harshfield conditions.

Brief Specifications:
Range: 0 - 1000?m, 0 - 40mil
Resolution: 0.1?m/0.5mil
Accuracy: ±1% to 3% or ±2.0?m
Modes: Single & Continuous
Battery Indicator: low battery indicator
Metric/ Imperial: convertible.

 ? Includes F type (CM8801F), and F/NF 2 in 1 type (CM-8801FN);
? Microcomputer based, auto-detection of the probe type, no damage to the    coating surface;
? The screen is the biggest available,Flip display;
? Final 10 measurements memory;
? Comes with a portable clip for your belt;
? Metric/imperial system selectable: auto power off;
? Fe typeis applicable for nonmagnetic coatings on ferromagnetic substrates,  e.g., zinc, chromium, copper, tin, or paint, plastics, enamel on ironor steel.
  A symbol Fe is displayed on the screen.
? NFe typeis applicable for electrically non-conductive coatings on non-ferrous  metals, e.g., paint, enamel, or plastics on aluminum, brass, or zincand anodic   coating on aluminum.A symbol NFe is displayed on thescreen.
? 2 in 1 type combines two probes in onemeter and automatically identify the   substrate materials.Depending onthe substrate, the symbol Fe or NFe is   displayed on the screen.

>Technical Data

Range 0 - 1,000µm, 0 - 40mil
Basic Accuracy 3% to 3%+ 2.0µm
Coating material non-magnetic
General Characteristics

1.5V x 1, AAA size

Product Net Weight 70g (Including battery)
Product Size 110 x 45 x 21 mm
Standard Individual Packing Gift box
Standard Quantity Per Carton  
Standard Carton Measurement  
Standard Carton Gross Weight  


Yeni Üye
Şifremi Unuttum
Dolar : 0.0000 | Euro: 0.0000

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